So the other day I saw on somethingawful.com that one of there Photoshop Phriday contests used a random video game name generator, which you can find
here. The contest was to pick one of these halarious randomly generated video game names and photoshop images together in order to create a box cover for your game. So as I kept clicking the generate random name button and laughing my face off at the results I thought it would be fun to pick a few and illustrate them. I drew up a sketch of the first one tonight, "Islamic Monster Truck Explorer" exciting! So here is the sketch, I'll color later when I get a chance.
Here are a few other names I thought were pretty good that I think I'll take a crack at.
- Kung-Fu Crowbar Online!
- Biblical Bobsled in the Bayou!
- Undead Baseball Championship!
- Screaming Banana in Middle Earth!
- Mexican Sniper Conquest!
Ok I'm going to bed.