Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Update... Pretty much finished it I believe, so here it is.

Work on progress I started the other night and worked on it during lunch today. His arm is rediculous I know, he could probably walk like a gorilla and we'll assume his other arm his hanging down at his side for right now. By the way, I was checking Alfred Llupia's artwork last night. He is awesome! Check him out if you want to be inspired.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I got the first monster fully painted so here is a spread with a progression of versions. I don't feel like writing right now though, so I'm making this short. Gonna go watch monsters inc. with the wife :-)


My 8 year old brother-in-law Bryan, sent me some monsters that he drew and i thought I'd interpret them in my own style! So here was teh outcome. I'm going to fully paint at least one this weekend hopefully. I'd love to get a bunch more up here as soon as I get some more. They're a ton of fun.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Started a sketch from the random video game name generator mentioned in the previous posts. And thanks Josh for following my blog, that's proof now that someone other than me has looked at this thing :-). I'm adding a video showing the process for doing the banana drawing, sorry if the music is a little fruity, but so is the drawing Ooooohh. Anyways check it out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More fun!

Well I painted the first video game cover and after staring at something for too long all I see are all the little flaws in it. Once I quit looking at it for a while I'll probably like it better. But I think I'll move on to a new one, "Screaming Banana in Middle Earth!" prepare for the future of gaming. By the way, any one that happens to pass through here feel free to post comments or cool painting ideas or anything else! p.s. I know the title of the game looks like crap, but it's the boring part and hey, I'm lazy.

Random Video Game Generator

Drew up another sketch real quick this morning to warm up using the video game name generator. "Biblical Bobsledding in the Bayou!" Jesus and Moses up to their usual shinanigans again. I don't know about you but I'd play this game. The hard part is making it look like the bayou, which it doesn't yet, I'll figure that out later. Now I've gotta get to work and make some money.

Random Video Game Name Generator

So the other day I saw on somethingawful.com that one of there Photoshop Phriday contests used a random video game name generator, which you can find here. The contest was to pick one of these halarious randomly generated video game names and photoshop images together in order to create a box cover for your game. So as I kept clicking the generate random name button and laughing my face off at the results I thought it would be fun to pick a few and illustrate them. I drew up a sketch of the first one tonight, "Islamic Monster Truck Explorer" exciting! So here is the sketch, I'll color later when I get a chance.

Here are a few other names I thought were pretty good that I think I'll take a crack at.

- Kung-Fu Crowbar Online!

- Biblical Bobsled in the Bayou!

- Undead Baseball Championship!

- Screaming Banana in Middle Earth!

- Mexican Sniper Conquest!

Ok I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have no idea if anyone is even going to read anything I write on here but I'm going to pretend like people are reading anyways. I started coloring the little pig sketch I drew up earlier and I'm really getting a kick out of working in this style. I love the simple expressivness of Disney and Pixar animation, I love it! Anayways, going to go draw up some more doodles before I get to sleep.

New blog

Hi there!

So I'm starting a new blog, my other ones are just getting too cluttered and I never really wrote anything along with any of the posts, so they were kind of boring. So this time around I'm going to include comments and thoughts and what not to make things a little more interesting.

Lately I've been looking at a lot of artists who have some great cartoon/Disney/Pixar'ish look to them and I love it! I have been so inspired by all this great artwork lately that I thought I'd try my hand at it. Turns out it incredibly difficult! Artist such as Sam Nielson and Adam Ford make it look effortless. Needless to say, I have a lot to learn. This drawing isn't finished, but I needed something to post for this first entry, so here's a couple sketches.